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Using nix-shell to create and share reproducible embedded development environments

August 27, 2023 - Nix Embedded Docker CMake STM32 ESP-IDF Rust

Historically, working on embedded software meant using proprietary manufacturer-provided IDEs with tools like the toolchain, build system and debugger all integrated. As open source tooling eventually caught up and even surpassed closed source solutions in many regards we often no longer have to rely on closed solutions and can adopt traditional software development tools and practices.

Unfortunately, this means that our development environment suddenly relies on a number of tools that have to work together and be correctly set up on every developer's system. Keeping track of this can be a time-consuming process and issues can arise, including implicit tool dependencies and incompatibilities from tool version mismatches.

In this post we will leverage the Nix package manager to create a shareable and reproducible development environment, take a look at advantages it offers over existing solutions and by the end of the post, you should be able to quickly spin up a development environment, share it in the form of a single text file and be sure everyone using it will have the same exact setup.

Table of contents:

Our example project

In the previous blogpost, we explored setting up a simple CMake project for an STM32 microcontroller using open source tooling. To build the project, we need a few tools:

Additionally, if we want to have a usable development environment, we need git for version control and openocd or another GDB server implementation for embedded in order to debug our firmware.

Challenges of manual tool management

There are a couple of ways to manually obtain the necessary tools for building the project, let's go through some of them.

The system package manager

One thing we could do is use our system's package repositories, for instance on Arch Linux we would do:

# pacman -Syu cmake make git arm-none-eabi-gcc arm-none-eabi-binutils arm-none-eabi-newlib openocd

This is quite convenient as it only involves a single command and has ensured compatibility with our system. There are however quite a few hidden downsides with this approach:

Obtaining binary releases

Alternatively, we could obtain binary releases of these tools. There is a bit more work involved with this approach, as we have to manually find, unpack and add all of these tools to our PATH. This process can quickly become time consuming with the number of machines we have to perform the procedure on. We could forget to update one and have the same exact version mismatch issues. Additionally, we no longer have ensured compatibility with the systems the developers are using due to fixed dependencies on python versions, glibc versions or system folder structure expectations.

Third party repositories

Finally, we can use third party repositories, like xPack's xpm. This approach combines the benefits of the first two approaches, as we can still use a single command to install all of the tools and packagers try their best to ensure compatibility with all systems. We can observe however that some critical issues do not go away, like someone forgetting to update their packages.

Universal problems

On top of issues specific to one of these approaches, the manual approach to tool management requires meticulous checking for compatibility between tools themselves and their various versions working together, which can be a very time consuming process.

To sum everything up, our development environments are not self-contained, reproducible or managed.


The most popular tool to deal with these issues at the moment is Docker. Docker is a container runtime, created to run lightweight isolated environments in some ways akin to virtual machines on top of our system. What this means for us is that we can create images which will hold all of our tools and can be used to build and debug our project.

Building and using images

Let's take a look at a minimal image recipe required to build our project in the form of a Dockerfile:

# Choose a base image
FROM ubuntu:23.04

# Refresh the package index
RUN apt-get -qq update

# Get the required packages
RUN apt-get -y install cmake \
                       make \
                       git \
                       gcc-arm-none-eabi \
                       binutils-arm-none-eabi \

# Specify the working directory inside the container
WORKDIR /usr/project

To build our image and give it a name, we can run:

$ docker build -t most_commented_embedded_cmakelists .

And to enter an interactive shell inside the container built from our image, we can use this command:

$ docker run -v $(pwd):/usr/project -it most_commented_embedded_cmakelists

Where the -v argument maps our current working directory to the containers /usr/project directory and -it runs the container in the interactive mode.

In order to be able to debug our project, we have to add openocd and any debugger drivers to the list of packages:

RUN apt-get -y install openocd libusb-1.0-0

then pass all usb devices through to the container every time we run it:

$ docker run -v $(pwd):/usr/project -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb --privileged -it most_commented_embedded_cmakelists

Disadvantages of Docker

Those observant enough have probably noticed a few downsides of this approach along the way.

One major issue is that Docker images are not reproducible - the apt-get command in the Dockerfile gets the latest versions of the packages from the chosen base image repositories. This means that any time we run it, we may get different versions of packages. To combat this, we have to share images themselves, which can be rather large - the minimal image required to build our project alone is 2.9GB. As an individual, we can upload these to Dockerhub with an account, however businesses will have to pay a subscription for hosting these.

Another issue is that we don't have access to our system's shell - our aliases, shell settings and more are not available to us in Docker images.

Finally, it's easy to see that Docker commands can get very unwieldy due to the number of things we have to pass through to the container.

Enter Nix

The Nix package manager released over 20 years ago but has recently caught the programming community spotlight with its ability to solve the dependency hell issues, work together with NixOS to create reproducible Linux machines as well as create reproducible development environments.


For this blogpost, we will be utilizing the nix-shell command provided by the Nix package manager. Using nix-shell, you can:

  1. Create temporary environments for development, experimentation, or debugging without affecting your main system.
  2. Share these environments with others in the form of a simple text file, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

A nix-shell environment is usually defined with a shell.nix or a default.nix file containing a Nix language expression. Here's a basic example of what a shell.nix file might look like for our embedded project:

let pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};

in pkgs.mkShell {
  packages = [

By running nix-shell inside our project directory, the Nix package manager will download specified packages from the Nix repositories along with their dependencies and place them in /nix/store and then export the executables of these packages to our shells PATH.

We can easily check this by running which on one of our tools:

$ which arm-none-eabi-gcc

We can also run nix-shell with the --pure argument in order to verify that all of our tools are present and that building or debugging the project isn't using our system's tools by accident. This removes almost everything from our PATH before evaluating nix-shell.

Additionally, if we want to execute any commands in the shell on entry, we can use the shellHook argument of mkShell:

pkgs.mkShell {
  # --snip--
  shellHook = "echo \"Hello from our shell\"";

This can be useful if we want to start a server to talk to our device or automatically build the project upon entry.

Version pinning

With this configuration, package versions can change every time we run nix-shell depending on the package versions in the nixpkgs collection however. To get true reproducibility, we have to somehow specify the package versions.

Usually, this is done by pinning nixpkgs to a specific point in time. This can be done in one of the following ways:

let pkgs = import (builtins.fetchTarball {
  url = "";
}) {};
let pkgs = import (builtins.fetchGit {
  url = "";
  ref = "refs/heads/nixos-unstable";
  rev = "976fa3369d722e76f37c77493d99829540d43845";
}) {};

While Nix itself does not provide an easy way to obtain these arguments based on the package versions we need the nix-versions website can be used to obtain them and even generate code blocks shown above.

Note: It is possible that mkShell will fail when going too far back in time with nixpkgs versions. This is because mkShell was introduced in 2018 as a convenience wrapper around stdenv.mkDerivation for nix-shell purposes. Here is how we would achieve the same result using stdenv.mkDerivation:

pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
  name = "my-shell";
  buildInputs = [

If however the nixpkgs revision for one package does not provide the desired version of another package, it is possible to import multiple nixpkgs revisions like so:

  pkgs = import (builtins.fetchTarball {
    url = "";
  }) {};
  pkgs_arm_gcc = import (builtins.fetchTarball {
    url = "";
  }) {};

in pkgs.mkShell {
  packages = [

With this, we have a fully reproducible and managed embedded development environment! This means that we can treat our development environment as code and anyone pulling our repository can instantly obtain the same environment we had when developing or deploying the project.

Using overlays

Our example project so far required a relatively small number of tools compared to some manufacturer SDKs which can bundle a large number of tools and dependencies. An example of such an SDK would be ESP-IDF from Espressif, which has a host of toolchains, python tools and dependencies. In situations like this, we may not want to manually specify our development environment, but instead rely on manufacturer or community maintained solutions and build on top of them.

nixpkgs-esp-dev offers such a solution for ESP-IDF, and looking at the code you will quickly realize the futility of maintaining such a solution yourself. To demonstrate the power of nixpkgs-esp-dev we will use the esp-usb-bridge project as an example. esp-usb-bridge lets you create your own programmer and JTAG probe with an ESP32-S2 or ESP32-S3 based board.

After pulling the project, we can create a shell.nix file according to the nixpkgs-esp-dev instructions and pin the ESP-IDF version:

  nixpkgs-esp-dev = builtins.fetchGit {
    url = "";
    rev = "4cc9ec3f8e992ed15924672192a2ce5fb0223121";

  pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {
    overlays = [ (import "${nixpkgs-esp-dev}/overlay.nix") ];

in pkgs.mkShell {
  packages = [

From this point, we can build, flash and debug the project and continue expanding our new development environment with any new requirements we have by extending the shell.nix file.

Another such example is the rust-overlay which lets you manage rust channels and architectures easily.

These examples show us an important aspect of Nix - composability, we can import another .nix file and use it as an expression. The overlay argument lets us customize the nixpkgs collection by overriding packages or introducing new ones. There are many community maintained overlays, which can also be combined to save you the effort of maintaining huge environments.

Third party tools

Finally, there are quite a few projects built on top of nix-shell that offer user convenience.


In this blogpost we covered some of the biggest challenges encountered by developers when switching to open tooling development environments, explored state of the art solutions and where they falter and then introduced nix-shell as a viable alternative.

At this point you should be ready to give nix-shell a shot the next time you're required to manage an embedded development environment and save yourself and your team from the pains of manual tool management.

For further reading you might be interested in reading about providing reproducible firmware builds for your customers or partners, which Nix takes you a long way to or exploring Nix flakes as a newer, experimental way to achieve the same goals.